Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Has It Really Been That Long??

Hey there!  According to the records of this blog I haven't posted since July!  Has it really been that long?  I guess facts don't lie.  Let me offer you my apologies and in the next breath tell you that I cannot promise consistency.  Not that my life is any more important or hectic than any one else's, but it is my life and I have the privilege of deciding how to spend my time.  Now don't get me wrong, I do love each and every one of you.  I am so grateful to all my followers for taking their time to read this.  But when its a toss up between spending time on the computer or spending time resting, I will most often choose resting.  Its really the only time of the day where I get to lie down and close my eyes.  As any mom of a toddler knows, this is vital to our sanity.  I promise to try harder and give all of you a small piece of entertainment in your day.
So rainy days make me want to bake.  This is my prime baking time of year.  It warms the kitchen and fills the house with such delightful aromas.  The issue is that I of course only bake what I like.  And if I like it I want to eat it.  On a cold rainy day what is more comforting then a warm baked treat?  I try to organize my baking with David's schedule at the firehouse.  That way I can have a little taste and send the bulk of it off with him.  If only the weather would organize itself with his schedule too then there wouldn't be any conflict in that area of my life.  And who couldn't use a little less conflict in their lives?  Mine seems chock full lately.
So, I am proud to say that I resisted the urge to make the oatmeal cookies that I have been craving.  Since I still have apple crisp left from my last baking extravaganza.  The good news is that its almost dinner time and my oven will be occupied by the turkey meatloaf we are having for dinner.  If I am not going to bake the next best thing is warm yummy comfort food.  Of course this recipe calls for ground beef and I am switching that for ground turkey.  I really try to limit the amount of read meat we eat.  Since we had steak earlier this week tonight its turkey.  I am sure it will be fine.  And the ground turkey was on sale this week.  I am looking forward to it.  I have to admit my favorite part of meatloaf is making meatloaf sandwiches.  Yummy!!  I think cold meatloaf is better than hot.  But that's just me.
Well there it is folks.  My newest blog since July!  Nothing exciting, but let's face it, I am a stay at home mom to an almost 2 year old.  How exciting can my life really be?  There are some exciting installments coming soon.  Stay posted.  Until next time.....

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